Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Can I interest you in a frock?

During my travels in USA I have been working hard on the frocktober front for y'all. For those of you thinking, 'oh but I've already seen all Alison and Libby's frocks so there's no point in me even looking at the blog this time', never fear. The lure of New York shopping was too great for me and I can promise you a few new dresses for this October. Plus, yesterday in San Francisco I came across this pink, lacy 1960s concoction at a vintage store where you pay for clothes the pound (of course, I mean, why not?!). It reminds me a bit of the pale blue shift I wore on the first day of Frocktober '10 and I thought it could make a great travelling frock this time around. So if any of you lovely ladies would be interested in hosting it, let me know and I can send it off.

It's a sort of wiggle dress cut and it's little big on me. I think it would be perfect for a curvy size 10 or 12. The dress is crying out for a bustline or some hips to do it justice and sadly I have none to offer.

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