Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update from Libby

Having done an inventory of my frocks I find I have rather a surplus. I am in fact too embarrassed to admit the actual number of dresses I own. But I can tell you I will be taking the challenge a small step further and wearing a different frock every day for October. It's probably time for some of the more unusual ones to get an outing. So stay tuned for some interesting (and possibly horrifying) outfits.

Like Alison, I also have a friend who needed one of her ovaries removed recently, making me all the more keen to raise money for this important cause. Ovarian cancer affects all of us in some way. So I hope you'll help us to make a difference!


  1. Can't wait to see them all. Yippee! Bring on (Fr)October!

  2. Aw, come on, confess. How many frocks do you really own?

  3. 'Fess up Libby - is it more or less than 50? I'm looking forward to seeing the outfits you girls come up with!


  4. It's less than 50, phew. I think it might have even been less than 40 but I've had a few donations since then so it's creeping back up.
    But I will be casting some off at the end of all this at a Frocktober theme clothes swap. Stay tuned for deatils.
