Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 11 - Raspberry Sorbet

There was no raspberry beret to go with this outfit but the raspberry sorbet I had for afternoon tea did match it perfectly. The frock was from the Mitchell Salvos and has a kind of Carol Brady feel to it, I think. I bought it with Anna and it always makes me think of her :-) She has a Mrs Brady dress too, if I recall correctly.

The headscarf was one of my great aunt Esther's. When Esther passed away I inherited some of her scarves. I'll have to make sure I wear more of them so you get a chance to admire them. Esther had great taste and they are very cool. When I was at my folks last night Dad showed me this lovely photo of Esther he found recently. She's the one on the right. Don't they look gorgeous?


  1. Beautiful as always Libby, love the photo of Esther and her friends. Such ladies.

  2. I'm so glad you put that photo of Esther up. Dad showed it to me too and I just love it. It came out so well on here. The dress you're wearing is lovely as well.

  3. Plus I just noticed I'm your 2000th visitor!! where are my balloons and confetti?

  4. The balloons and confetti are right here - where are you?
    I know the photo is very sweet isn't it. And I love Esther's shoes and bag.
