Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 22 - Like it's 1999

Today's frock is a very 90s floral one and, in fact, I pretty sure I haven't worn it since the 90s. Which begs the question of why I still own it. Probably the same stupid reasons I keep clipping bits out of magazines and why I've been saving a 50c piece with a picture of Charles and Diana for weeks now. I guess I was born to work in a museum.
Anyway, the dress is very comfy and just the thing for driving around in the work van and rummaging through the ABC broadcast trailer. The steel caps help with safe rummaging - and also make me look like I'm going to a Smiths concert, according to Matt. Since it's the 90s maybe I'll have to go to Nirvana or Pear Jam instead.

1 comment:

  1. Matt is right, but I think you need a crop demin jacket.

    Hoarding comes with the job... as does creating a playlist to match your day/outfit :P We can't help ourselves.
