Sunday, September 18, 2011

To Frock Or Not To Frock?

I've been thinking a lot about Frocktober 2011. Should I, shouldn't I, wah, wah, wah... So I thought it was time to make a list of the pro's and con's for Frocktober.

Reasons against doing Frocktober 2011 (ie excuses):
I don't have enough new dresses, frocks, skirts. Having said that, within the last twelve months I have bought eight dresses (most secondhand!) and about seven skirts (some from clothes swaps, most secondhand too).
- For two weeks of Frocktober I will be working in Western Australia doing dirty, dusty unladylike work.
- I am too busy and Frocktober has seemed to sneak up awfully fast.
- Libby is in America and won't be back until a few days before the frocking begins.

Lame, huh?

Reasons for doing Frocktober 2011:
- Ovarian cancer still exists and more research needs to be done.

Ways to overcome my lame excuses listed above:
- Call on friends to help. Go to a friends house, raid their wardrobe and play dress ups for a day.
- Go to a bridal boutique, pretend Libby is a bride and I am the bridesmaid, and say we need to take photos to send to her sick Aunt in America. (Please note: Libby's Aunt isn't really sick, but she does live in Oklahoma)
- Go to the op shop and try on all the daggy 'Mother of the Bride' dresses. Or go to Supre and try on all the skank dresses. I can feel a photo montage coming on... or an episode of Kath and Kim!
- I do odd numbered days and Libby does even numbered days.
- Guest frockers for a day.
- Change the name of Frocktober to Slacktober and I will wear bad slacks for an entire month. Perhaps this could be the boy version?
- Another thought I had was doing something like the Uniform Project and although it is a great idea, it seemed too hard. And a lot of washing, unless I bought five black dresses.

Oh, and I am in the process of trying to get a travelling frock going again. If you want to be part of the Australian frock, let us know. This time we will have international participants! London, Tokyo, New Jersey! ...yeah doesn't have the same ring to it as New York, but I'm sure our American frocker can take it across the Husdon River for a photo opportunity.

So stay posted, not long to go now before the frocking begins!


  1. Frock on Al, Frock on.
    I like the reasons for doing.

  2. I just revistited your posts from last year. What a great Frocktober it was ... fun, inspirational and all for a good cause! Do it again I say ... I'm happy to be a lender of frocks and a guest frocker if it helps :)
