Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 30: the penultimate day

Libby and I headed into the Canberra Museum and Art Gallery today to check out an exhibition called Fashioned Here: the business of fashion in Canberra. It featured some classic frocks including the original Sylvia Parson's mannequin Sally, Tracey Lord hats and a Phuan Thai dress which Libby and I purchased from the St Paul's Anglican Church op shop.
After lunch we went for a ride on the horses at the carousel. With Melbourne Cup just around the corner it seemed like the right thing to do. Plus being the tragic romantic that I am, I always thought this would be a great way to end a first date. So any Canberra men who think this is a great idea, contact me! Hey, can't help the girl for trying!

Libby enjoyed the date thoroughly, and wore a vintage blue chiffon frock - with two inbuilt petticoats, which proved a godsend on such a windy spring day. It has a small tear in the bodice but another beautiful obi belt from Rachael, this one in burgundy and gold tones, hid that well.

I wore the second of my new dresses since Frocktober 2010. It is a Collectif dress I got from the Darling Sisters with my gift voucher for winning best dressed lady in the September Canberra Tweed Ride. It is quite bright blue with a tiki pattern, perfect for playing the ukulele in!
After taking numerous photos of ourselves whilst the horses were going round and up and down, we realised we could actually take a photo when the carousel stopped. Silly us!

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