Monday, October 4, 2010

Ugg boot Monday

Looks like Alison is still having too much fun on the mid north coast to post photos of her frocks. But I can assure you she's frocking up and we'll see the evidence soon.

In the meantime you'll have to make do with just me.

Today's number is a pretty lazy one for a lazy long weekend Monday (with a delightful cider afternoon interlude). The dress was from a Goulburn op-shop and it was Alison who convinced me to buy it, after I assured her I 'need more dresses like I need a hole in the head'. But she was right because I wear it all the time. Today it's with a Cohen et Sabine shirt over the top and fantastic earrings that Hannah brought me all the way from Morocco. And ugg boots. There were shoes earlier, I promise. This was strictly the indoor version of the outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Love your looks and can't wait to see what you are going to wear for the next 26 days! Gosh that sounds long....I am going to have to recycle!
